Grapefruit Seed Extract

Singing the praises of Grapefruit seed extract! 

You've heard of Grape Seed extract, but have you heard of GrapeFRUIT Seed extract? If not, take note because a small bottle of this bitter but amazing liquid can change your life! 

We use GSE here literally everyday. We use it mixed with water in a squirt bottle to wash all our fruits and veggies, we put it in the dogs' food for a powerful detox, the list goes on and on.  How will this change my life, you ask?  For over 6 years, whenever any of us feel any sort of cold or sickness coming on (you know that run down, starting to feel like you've been hit by a truck feeling?) we will take a good amount mixed in a juice or tea several times a day and literally, we don't get sick. I cannot tell you how many times I have started to feel bad and the GSE knocks it right out. The secret is to start immediately as soon as you get that feeling you are getting sick or have caught something. If you wait until you are already sick, even the day into it, it doesn't seem to do anything to knock it out. 

Here is just a short list of some of the uses for GSE for dogs and people:
(we have never used this on cats, please do your own research to know if it's safe before using with a cat)

Broad Spectrum, Environmentally Safe & Non-Toxic

Grapefruit seed extract has been proven effective against the following microorganisms:

Candida albicans                         Staphylococcus aureus                 Staphylococcus pyogenes
Staphylococcus sp.                      Streptococcus faecalis                 Salmonella cholerasuis
Salmonella typhi                           Escherichia coli                            Proteus vulgaris
Pseudomonas aeruginosa             Lactobacillus pentoaceticus          Klebsiellus pneumonia
Aspergillus niger                          Aspergillus oryzae                        Aspergillus parasiticus
Aspergillus terreus                       Aspergillus flavus                         Fusarium oxysporum
Fusarium oxy.F.sp.tuberosi          Fusarium sambucinum                  Penicillium funiculosum
Penicillium sp.                              Penicillium roqueforti                    Pullularia pullulans
Trichophyton interdigital               Scerotinia laxa                             Chaetonium globosum
Entamoeba histolytica                  Giardia lamblia                             Herpes Simplex Virus-Type 1
Influenza A2 Virus

**Use as directed on product label**
Grapefruit Seed Extract – Liquid Concentrate (GSE)
GSE is used by doctors nationwide to offer additional support to individuals being treated for systemic infections and intestinal parasites.  Consult your physician for recommended dosage.

Traveler’s Sickness (aka “Traveler’s Diarrhea”, “Montezuma’s Revenge”)
As a preventative for this internationally debilitating problem, take 3-4 drops each morning in 5 oz. Of water (or take 1 GSE capsule 3 times daily).

Kills Germs that Cause Gingivitis & Plaque
The perfect additive for your Waterpik type units.  Add 3-4 drops to reservoir.  As an oral rinse, stir 3 drops into a small (5 oz. or more) glass of water.  Vigorously swish a small amount for 30 seconds or more.  Adults and children (over 6 years) use twice daily after brushing teeth.  Or, add 1 drop to a moistened toothbrush (with or without toothpaste) and brush as usual.  Rinse thoroughly.

Toothbrush Sanitizer
Mix 5-10 drops of GSE in a glass of water.  Stir well to insure good dispersion.  Submerge toothbrush for at least 10 minutes before using or allow toothbrush to soak overnight.  Rinse toothbrush before using.  Change water in glass at least once a week.

Super Facial Skin Cleanser
Thoroughly moisten (splash) face with water.  With hands still wet, apply 2-3 drops of GSE to fingertips and gently massage facial area with circular motions.  Rinse thoroughly with cool water & pat dry.  A tingling sensation of skin may follow.  This is an indication of the deep cleansing & powerful germ killing properties of GSE.
Skin Disorders
Apply 5-10 drops of GSE with 1 tablespoon of water directly to affected areas such as minor skin irritations, insect bites, athlete’s foot or cysts.  In the case of a cyst or localized infection just under the skin, apply a soaked piece of sterile cotton or gauze, cover and leave on overnight.  For acne, wash face, then with hands & face still wet, apply 2-3 drops onto fingertips and massage gently onto face, then rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Hot Spots
Add 10 drops of GSE to 1 oz. of water.  Spray or dab on.  Works GREAT on hot spots!

Various Skin Disorders (for Dogs)
Make your own medicated shampoo by adding 30-40 drops of GSE to a 16 oz. bottle of shampoo.  Massage into skin & leave on for a few minutes before rinsing.  Also may be added to a spray bottle of water (30-40 drops of GSE to 16 oz. of water) & sprayed on skin as the dog is being blown dry.

Nasal Rinse
Use 1 drop of GSE mixed with 1-2 ounces of water.  Stir very well until thoroughly dissolved.  Spray into nostrils (with a nasal sprayer) with head upright.  Or, using an eye dropper, squirt 1 dropper full into each nostril with head back, then swing head forward & down (so head is now upside down) to force liquid up into the nasal passages.  Bring head back to normal upright position & allow passages to drain.  Do not inhale through the nose while rinsing.

Dish & Utensil Sanitizer
Add 15-30 drops of GSE to sink dish washing water or to final rinse.  Add 15-30 drops to automatic dish washing detergent or to final rinse.  This will act as a powerful sanitizing agent for your dishes & utensils.

Laundry Sanitizer
GSE is used by hospitals in the final rinse to sterilize linens.  Add 10 or more drops to a small load or 15 or more drops to a large wash load.  May be added at the same time as laundry detergent.  But, for best results, add GSE during the final rinse cycle.

Cutting Board Sanitizer
After washing cutting board, apply 10-20 drops of GSE to the board & work into entire board with a wet sponge or cloth.  Allow to sit for a minimum of 5 minutes, then rinse with water, or leave on without rinsing.  This washing will insure a full germ-killing effect against a broad spectrum of microorganisms including Salmonella.
Scalp Treatment for Dandruff, etc.
Controls many types of dandruff & related scalp disorders.  Use several drops of GSE (5-10) with your shampoo.  Massage into scalp.  Leave on for a few minutes before rinsing.  May also be used without shampoo.

Vegetable/Fruit Wash or Meat/Poultry Wash
Sink Washing – Add 30 drops of GSE to a sink full of cold water.  Stir water to insure proper dispersion.  Dip or briefly soak any vegetables, fruits, meat or poultry.

Spray Washing – Add 20 drops of GSE to a 32 oz. spray bottle & fill with cold water.  Spray on any vegetables, fruits, meat or poultry.

These procedures will extend the storage life of any washed vegetables & fruits.  In the agricultural industry, GSE is used during harvest to extend storage life.  For example, GSE has been known to triple the storage life of strawberries & lettuce.

Marinade for Raw Poultry Fed to Pets
When feeding your pets a natural, raw meat diet, poultry can be used but should be treated with GSE to avoid Salmonella.  Add 4 drops of GSE to 6 ounces of purified water & pour over 1 lb of ground poultry.  Mix liquid with the meat until it is thoroughly absorbed, then feed.  If using whole chunks of poultry, soak the meat in the GSE & water mixture for an hour or so while refrigerated, then feed.  Do not throw away the liquid after marinating but mix it together with the meat, grains & vegetables in their natural diet as GSE is also beneficial to your pet’s system when taken internally.

Sore Throat Gargle
Stir 3 drops of GSE into a small (5 oz. or more) glass of water.  Gargle several times.  Use as often as needed.

Use 1-3 drops of GSE mixed in 6-8 ounces of water.  Shake well to insure complete dispersion.  Douche once daily at bedtime for one week.

Cleansing Vaginal Tract of female dogs in Season
Add 10-15 drops of GSE to 32 ounces of water & mix well.  Using a large syringe & rubber catheter (feeding tube) flush the vaginal tract of bitches who you wish to breed or those with a family history of pyometra.  This should NOT be done just prior to breeding as there will obviously be some residue which will kill the sperm.

All Purpose Disinfectant
Add 30-60 drops of GSE to a 32 oz. spray bottle & fill with water.  Use on kitchen & bathroom counter tops, sinks, fixtures, toilet, bathtub, trash containers or any place where germs may grow & multiply.  Spray on any of these areas & wipe clean with a damp cloth.

CAUTION:      Keep out of reach of children.  Do not put in eyes.  If contact occurs, flush with water for at least 10 minutes & promptly seek medical attention.  Never take full strength & use only as directed.  Persons with food allergy sensitivity may wish to perform a skin patch test before using.

GSE can be purchased at most health food stores, Earth Fare (Local to Charlotte NC), Vitamin Shoppe and Amazon. GSE comes in both liquid and pill form. You can take/give GSE in either form but the liquid is very bitter and needs to be "hidden" if taken in liquid form. Make sure what you get is Grapefruit seed extract, not Grape seed. **Use as directed on product label**

If further questions, feel free to contact us at