If it's this bad for humans, what is it doing to our pets?

If it's this bad for humans, what is it doing to our pets? 

Great article from a truth in pet food advocate:

The Centers for Disease Control just released a shocking report of the health risks to employees at a pet food plant in Missouri.  Mention of dangers in grains (aflatoxins), flavor additives (diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedion), and pesticides (phosphine) to employees certainly makes one wonder…if the manufacturing of pet food is dangerous to employees, what does eating the pet food do to our pets?  Is commercial pet food not nearly as safe as industry and regulatory authorities want us to believe?
Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) just released a startling report of employee health hazards in pet food manufacturing.  This report titled “Evaluation of health concerns at a pet food manufacturing facility – Missouri” – looks at employee (bold added) “concerns about vomiting, seizures, and breathing difficulties, as well as problems with their kidneys and livers, possibly related to substances used in the manufacture of pet food and dog biscuits and/or possible phosphine exposure,…”

Keep reading here:

Clooney and Maggie Mae Ludwig