Canine Circovirus
There is a new and deadly threat to dogs called Circovirus. While this disease is not new to pig farmers, it is relatively new to canines, with a new mutated strain.
Here is an interesting article on Canine Circovirus written from a veterinarian.
How can you avoid exposure to your dog? The article doesn't really go into detail about how to avoid it, however it does state that it is spread through coming into contact with feces, vomit and in pigs, through respiratory secretions. Dogs love to smell everything and everyone. Try to keep exposure to a minimum by not taking them to public dog places such as the dog park and the pet store. If you need to take your dog to the vet, DO NOT let them come into contact with other dogs there, either nose to nose or nose to rear end.
The very best prevention is a healthy and strong immune system. Make sure your dog is on a daily dose of Vitamin C (an adult Golden Retriever should be on 2,000 mgs daily and more if under stress). Vitamin E and probiotics are also very helpful for boosting the immune system and keeping it at optimum performance. We also give our adult goldens a full Tablespoon of organic Coconut oil every day. Coconut oil has many, many health benefits. It helps to boost the immune system but it is also has anti-viral and anti-fungal, helps control inflammation in the body (which weakens the immune system) and also boosts vital adrenal functions such as the thyroid gland.
If your dog shows symptoms of lethargy, severe vomiting and diarrhea, get them into the vet immediately. Canine Cirovirus has not been reported in all states yet, but so far seems to be mostly in Ohio, California and some of the North Eastern states of the U.S. If you live in any of these areas be particularly careful about what kind of exposure your dog may be getting. We certainly don't want to scare anyone needlessly, and this doesn't mean that you can't take your dog out of your yard for fear of this virus, but plan on going to non-doggie places instead. On the other hand, knowledge is power and reducing your dogs risk of becoming to exposed to this or any other virus is always a good idea.