Everything Old is New Again... well almost!
As we are in the process of getting some of our "old stuff" off the former yahoo list that was created nearly 14 years ago to keep our puppy buyers up to date on the latest and most important health and medical updates, we are having to re-do just about everything all brand new! The great thing is that you do not have 14 years of archives to try to dig through anymore!
We are filling this blog with the most import things and the answers to the questions we get asked the most as quickly as we can.
Do you have an older dog? When they get to the golden years, they tend to become afflicted with "selective hearing loss", they tend to forget that they are not supposed to get in the garbage or steal food from the table or counter. However, that sweet grey face is a reminder they will not always be with us and it's important to do everything we can to not only give them a longer life, but also quality of life.
Check out the Golden Years page on this blog and get a quick over view of the things that you can either being doing or start immediately with your older dog.
As we work to fill the blog with timely and helpful information for not only people that have gotten their puppy or dogs from us, but we also encourage you to share this blog and the valuable information with your friends, family and neighbors. Sign up and get a notification by email whenever there are updates and tell your furry loving friends and family to do the same.
We realize that not everyone has time to research what is the best care for their dogs and not everyone knows that if their vet tells them to do something, buy something or apply something to their pet that they are well with in their rights to say "no". Knowledge is power when you make a trip to the veterinarian.