What's so great about canned pumpkin?

Canned pumpkin at the ready
We always recommend dog owners have canned pumpkin on hand. Maybe you've been wondering why. It is highly effective for firming up loose stools in any dog, any breed, any size. Dogs generally love the taste of it and will eat it readily. It will firm up stools very quickly, often with in just a couple of hours. You simply can not give too much and there is no risk in over-dosing. The pumpkin will stay fresh in cans for years, so it's super easy to keep in the cupboard for those unexpected times of gastrointestinal distress.
A couple of things to remember:
  • Organic is always best, but if you can't find organic, then any canned pumpkin will do in a pinch.
  • Make sure it is only pumpkin and NOT pumpkin pie filling which has spices and sugar added.
  • You can start by giving anywhere from  a Tablespoon to 1/4 cup, it can be given plain, mixed in the normal diet or mixed with yogurt, or canned meat if needed.
  • You can give it several times a day if needed.
  • You will save a lot of money by not having to run to the vet for a simple upset tummy and can get any loose stools under control within a very short amount of time and using only natural food that is healthy.
  • Stock up in the fall!! Canned pumpkin can usually be found year round, but might be harder to find in the spring or summer. Stores sell it by the cases in the fall and early winter, so it's a great time to stock up and for the best prices of the year. Do you live near a Trader Joe's? They have organic pumpkin at a great price!
On another note:
If you have given your dog the canned pumpkin and the stools are NOT firming up, you need to get your pup to the vet for a stool check. If your dog has diarrhea, is lethargic, vomiting and/or not eating, do not waste any time and get your dog to the vet on an emergency basis.
Dogs, like people, can get loose stools from a variety of things such as picking up or eating something they shouldn't have, times of stress, travel, water change  or maybe something is just not "sitting right" in their tummy. Having canned pumpkin on hand at all times is a great way to get them treatment quickly and naturally.