A note from Ann regarding heartworm

From Ann, more on heartworm:

 Heartworm by your vets has become a fearful thing; yet, we come from Heartworm Country” having been there, done that in Minnesota over 50 years ago.  When the awareness first started we had only a really bad tasting liquid to force down dogs throats.  Believe me, ‘they saw us coming’ with that syringe and it was a struggle to give every day.  Despite this, we had one girl named Bridget that had THREE treatments for heartworm.  Yes, you read that right –THREE.   They were minor - -like worming your dog for other worms, and she LIVED TO 18 years old!    Our vets today have  blown this heartworm treatment way out of proportion in order to panic people into giving current heartworm chemicals (much different than the originals 50 years ago).  Bottom line, is this also pads their pocket books.   

    So, now that we hopefully have calmed you dog owners down that heartworm treatment isn’t that bad, we hope to encourage you NOT to give what the vets are dolling out but to go on line and find NATURAL, non-chemical heartworm.  There is a bunch out there, and you can email Diana@PawtiquePets.com and she has a wonderful product, easy to give, that is all natural.

   Don’t forget ----NO product can be guaranteed, and you still MUST do blood tests twice a year –fall and spring.   IF your dog is diagnosed with heartworm, and if you catch it early, it’s like a simple worming for anything else and I don’t know any dog that has had a problem with heartworm worming.   The vets chemical products and the natural products are not 100% - -do the blood test two times a year.

     Reduce your dogs exposure to bugs by giving ACV (organic Apple Cider Vinegar) daily making sure PH is kept high at 7.0 or 7.5 - ---your dogs blood is less tastey to  mosquitoes, fleas and ticks.  You can even spritz ACV (mist) around their heads and bodies when they go out.  Remember: there is ALWAYS a natural, organic and non-invasive answer to every health problem, and avoiding chemicals and toxins will increase your dogs health and longevity!

Contact us with questions any time:  Ann@HonorTherapyDogs.Org