Myth of giving ice to dogs is debunked!

Can you harm your dog by giving him ICE in his 

Abby Schweikher

Summer is officially here, and as the weather 
gets warmer, you may be trying to keep your pets cool. But a 
new online article warning that giving dogs ice cubes or ice 
water can be dangerous, or even deadly, is FALSE.

In the post, which has gone viral on Facebook and Twitter, a 
pet owner claims her dog almost died after she gave it ice 

The article claims ice can make a dog's stomach muscles 
cramp, causing it to bloat, flip, and quickly kill the dog.
But veterinarians we talked to say that's simply not true, and 
many pet advocacy groups have posted online to debunk the 

Because we are getting into the summer months, the hottest 
time of year in Central Florida and for most of the country, 
this does bring up a good reminder on how to properly 
protect your pets from the heat.

Dogs are much more susceptible to heatstroke than humans. 
One reason: They wear their fur coats year-round, and while 
dogs do have sweat glands on their feet, they don't have 
on the rest of their body.
So, make sure your furry friend gets plenty of fresh water — 
and it's OK to cool them down with ice or ice water.

When your pets do play outside, make sure they play in a 
shady area.

Above all, never leave your dog in the car, even for a minute 
or two. It only takes a matter of minutes for the temperature
 inside a hot car that's turned off to jump to over 100 degrees.


Signs of dehydration in dogs

What Is Dehydration?
Dehydration is a lack of water in the body, and can cause
 serious complications for pets and people alike. Water is 
essential to all living beings, including dogs, who depend 
on proper daily fluid intake to maintain appropriate 
health. It makes up 80 percent of your dog’s body, and 
dissolves natural and unnatural substances as well as 
serves as the root of all his biological processes, including 
circulation, digestion and waste removal.

What Causes Dehydration in Dogs?
Dehydration occurs when fluid levels drop to less than 
normal. This is due to either reduced water intake or 

increased fluid loss. Fluid loss can be due to overheating 
in hot weather or a bout of vomiting or diarrhea, 
especially in puppies.

What Are the General Symptoms of Dehydration in 

Keep reading HERE

Clifford Watt