NO DOG with cancer should eat kibble!

Kibble is a No-No for any dog diagnosed with cancer!

Bear Brigham

“Despite the massive growth in genetic therapies, pharmaceutical and surgical technologies chronic disease is crippling mankind. […] The true solutions for cancer and many other degenerative disease processes lie in the nutritional and metabolic functions of the body […] Studies have shown that sugar is the fuel source for cancer and creates an environment of chronic inflammation that leads to other degenerative disease processes” – Dr. David Jockers

If your pet has been diagnosed with cancer (and according to today’s stats, 50% of your pets unfortunately will) it is essential that you cut back the sugar and carbs in their diets! This means if you are feeding processed kibble to your pets, you may want to rethink this strategy.


“Cancer cells contain ten times the amount of insulin receptors as normal cells. This allows them to gobble up glucose and other nutrients from the blood stream at an accelerated rate. As long as an individual continues to provide this form of fuel the cancer will continue to grow. Those cancer patients who have the highest blood sugar readings after eating have the lowest survival rates.” – Dr.Jockers

Cancer is an organism that needs food; you can either starve it or feed it.

Carbohydrates and starches, when consumed by your pet, are converted into sugars by the body. According to the “Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats Guide”, with many commercial pet foods available on the market today, some companies are turning a profit by loading up their bags of pet food with values up to 70% carbohydrates (aka sugar)!!

National Research Council -Starch Content of some starch-rich foodstuffs and by-products used in pet foods:

Barley – 516g/kg
Oats – 400g/kg
Corn – 728 g/kg
Wheat – 621 g/kg
Peas – 410g/kg
Rice – 810g/kg
Potato – 650 g/kg

According to Dr. Gregory K. Ogilvie’s, from Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine, “Nutritional Approaches to Cancer Therapy”: Tumors need glucose to live, which are simple sugars found in many carbohydrates. It gives energy to the tumor, and robs energy from the dog. Further, tests conducted proved that the dogs ability to metabolize carbohydrates is altered in dogs with cancer, unlike the dogs tested who did not have cancer.

Forget for a moment that studies show that today’s kibble is full of deadly mycotoxins, or that these same bags are full of carcinogens, let’s just focus on the sugar/carb factor. Do you know how many carbohydrates are in your bag of kibble? Let me teach you how to roughly figure it out in a flash.

Just grab your bag of pet food and a calculator.

First check this out:

According to Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO): “Carbohydrates are not measured directly, but can be estimated by calculating the “nitrogen-free extract” in the product. This is determined simply by subtracting the average of each of the other components (percent crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, moisture AND ash) from 100.”

However Dr. Sagman from Dog Food Advisor says: “… fiber is actually a carbohydrate. So, its percentage is automatically included in your carbohydrate calculations.”

So let’s go with this guideline: Protein + Fat + Moisture + Ash, then subtract that from 100 = Carbs

(This method works for dry food only; to figure out canned food you need to get the dry matter values.)

After the calculations, pet parents are going to find that some of these bags of kibble have anywhere from 40% to 70% carbs in them, and depending on the type of “cancer cell” your pet has, it can have anywhere from 10 to 70 times more insulin receptors on its cell surface membrane than a regular cell. Imagine, if cancer needs glucose for fuel and one is feeding their cancer pet that many carbohydrates, then in theory you are adding rocket fuel to the cancer growing fire!

Speak to any holistic veterinarian and most will tell you to drop the bag of kibble (or any processed foods for that matter) and start feeding fresh foods packed with bioavailable nutrients to help heal the body. God forbid, imagine you had cancer. Would a diet of chemo and Mac & Cheese help your cancer fighting cause?

Remember, it is super important to boost your pet’s immune system in order to give them a fighting chance to smash cancer and all its negative effects.

Pet Nutrition Blogger – Rodney Habib