Testimony Tuesday!
~ By Ben Jones, Florida
Hailey Jones |
When our 12 year old golden "Hailey" went to the Vet over 8 months ago for her annual physical we asked for her full yearly blood panel. The results were very bad. We were told her protein level was extremely high and most of the blood labs were extremely abnormal. The Vet said it appeared to be lymphosarcoma.
The Vet wanted to do more testing and some exploratory surgery and start her on chemotherapy. My wife and I decided to take her home and call "Ms Ann". After giving Ann the review of what had transpired her words were: "we have to do battle" and help Hailey. I will confess that I checked with the vet about all the advice we got from her. The vet did not have any history of this type of treatment but said nothing was necessarily bad for her or even us. I told her about Honor's background and knowledge so she said "go for it".
We returned home and dove right in, changing "Hailey's'" vitamins and amounts (long list and many news ones), adding homeopathic and herbs. Many times a week we juiced organic carrots for her. We started organic maple syrup and pure baking soda, and raw dog food. "Hailey" loved it! We followed all the advise in great detail. The other duty we had was to bathe her in a tub full of warm water and mix 4 qts of peroxide in the water and make her soak for ½ hour. Ann said cancer cannot survive when there is a lot of oxygen in the body and this is the result of the baths. It also was interesting when we purchased all these items listed at a health food store. A lady helped us find everything and we told her what we were doing. By chance she had been a veterinarian assistance a few years ago and totally disagreed about giving her the syrup saying that cancer loves and grows with sugar. After coming home I called Ann to ask about the sugar. She explained that the sugar draws the cancer cells but when they consume it, the baking soda causes the cancer cell to explode and die.
( "Dr. Tullio Simoncini acknowledges that cancer cells gobble up sugar so when you encourage the intake of sugar it's like sending in a Trojan horse. The maple syrup is not going to end up encouraging the further growth of the cancer colonies because the baking soda is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow. The baking soda, being very alkaline, is the main anti-cancer substance. The maple syrup is a "carrier" to get the baking soda inside the cancer cells.)
We also purchased a ph test kit. Higher ph is also bad news for cancer. We noticed that when we gave Hailey the mixture of baking soda and syrup the ph always went up. We continued to monitor the PH very carefully to keep it at the necessary level.
About 2 months later, we took "Hailey" back for a full blood panel. All returned normal. The vet was sure the lab had made a mistake and took more blood and sent to a different lab. This also came back perfectly normal. Further testing a 3rd time, all blood work returned excellent. We said enough blood draws!!! She's healed! The vets were astounded!
Hailey Jones |
"Hailey" - nearing 13 years now, is just a very sweet older puppy and we owe her long life to these alternative protocols.
Please share this with anyone who has a dog with cancer, or to use these methods on older dogs to avoid ever getting it!
Our Hailey is doing amazingly well as you can see from her beautiful photos, and we are so thankful for the advice and support.
To read more about the Maple Syrup and Baking Soda treatment, click HERE
To read Hermiones incredible cancer story, click HERE
To read Santees incredible cancer story, click HERE