Taking Care of Your Dog’s Paws

5 Must Know Tips for Paw Care

Max and Kandee Baribault

As vulnerable as a human foot, paws need to be taken care of and pampered. An owner wouldn’t walk across a hot parking lot or a snow covered field without the proper protection on their feet. A paw pad needs to be checked for a myriad of issues that should be addressed including nail length, cracked pads and foreign objects wedged in between paw pads.
If a dog’s nails are click, click, clicking when she walks or gets snagged easily, then she is in need of being clipped. The nails should barely skim the ground. Most vets offer this service if the owner is too anxious to do it themselves or the dog is unwilling to have it done. The hair in between the pads does cause painful matting if not trimmed regularly. Comb hair out and trim it even with the pads. Check for pebbles or other debris while trimming.
Cracked Pads
Pads do crack and bleed if they get too dry. Don’t use human lotion on the dogs pads, it may soften pads too much and lead to more issues. Instead look into pad moisturizers specifically designed for a dog’s dried out paws. While rubbing in the lotion give the dog a paw massage by rubbing between the pads and up in between each toe.
Summertime Care
Portillo Chamberlain
Dogs paws feel heat as much as human’s do on the bottom of their feet. Keep this in mind while out walking during the heat of the summer.

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