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Landscaping for Dog

Landscaping Do’s and Don’ts When You Have a Dog

Harper Haywood

DO: Give up the idea of having a perfect yard — a place 

that’s perfect for you and your pet is better.

DON’T: Let your dog rule the roost. Train him to respect 

boundaries and do his business in a designated spot.

DO: Create a water feature so your dog can cool off on hot 


DON’T: Install a pond or pool that is hard for your dog to 

enter and exit.

DO: Add a sandbox your dog can feel free to dig in. Bury 

bones and treats at first to pique his interest.

DON’T: Think that sandboxes are maintenance-free. Keep a 

shovel and rake nearby to cover holes and clean waste.

DO: Use gravel, shredded hardwood mulch, or wood chips, 

which won’t stick to longhair coats.

DON’T: Use cocoa mulch, which may contain theobromine, 

the same ingredient that makes chocolate poisonous to dogs.

DO: Edge flowerbeds with rocks or foot-tall shrubs to protect your posies.

DON’T: Use a metal edging that can cut your pooch.

DO: Select plant species that reduce fleas, such as lavender, rosemary, and

mint, and 

others that are good for dogs to eat — blueberries, strawberries,

 wheat grass, and oat grass.

DON’T: Select plants that can make your dog sick, like foxglove, iris, 

monkshood, and lily

 of the valley.

DO: Landscape with urine-resistant plants, such as Euonymus japonica


 spindle tree) and Burkwood osmanthus

DON’T: Freak out when you find yellow and brown spots in your lawn caused by


 Reseeding is a simple and easy cure for those spots. Or create a potty station.

(Read this post to avoid brown spots all together!)

Keep reading HERE

Calhoun Strickland