Natural Tick Repellent

Tea Tree Oil as a Natural Tick Repellent

The tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is a tree that grows along the swampy southeast Australian coastline. It was first discovered and named in modern times by 18th century sailors, who used to make a tea from its leaves. Since then, the oil derived from its leaves has been used to treat and cure a number of maladies. One of its most useful benefits is as an inexpensive and non-toxic tick repellent that can be used on both animals and humans.

Active Ingredients

Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of the tree using steam distillation or a similar process. The two main ingredients found in tea tree oil are cineole and terinen-4-ol. The active ingredient is terinen-4-ol while cineole is considered an impurity. A quality oil has a high terinen-4-ol content and a low cineole content.
Tick Repellent

A tick repellent can be made for both animals and humans using tea tree oil as an active ingredient. Start with a 2:1 mixture of your favorite base oil, such as almond or jojoaba, and water. Combine this into a spray bottle with 2 oz. of tea tree oil. For best results, use a glass bottle. Oils such as tea tree oil react with plastic and may cause dangerous chemicals to leech into your repellent. Before each use, shake the bottle vigorously to thoroughly mix the oils. When applying to pets, rub the repellent under their fur so that it reaches their skin.

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